About Cryptocurrencies (BTC,ETH,LTC...)
Some products here at Rogue Market can only be purchased using crypto currencies like Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), etc... This means sometimes we won't be able to accept your PayPal or other paymet metods. If that's the case and you're not familiar with crypto, you can use the following websites to get some cryptocurrencies with your Credit Card / Bank Account / PayPal.
Purchase Process
Once you've got some crypto, come back to Rogue Market and click anywhere on the product you'd like to get. You'll get redirected to Shoppy.gg or Sellix.io checkout pages. These are AutoBuy websites that will automaticaly deliver products after receiving payments. Follow these instructions inside checkout pages. NOTE: Since Shoppy and Sellix are very similar, you'll be shown steps for Shoppy as they're the same ones for Sellix.
STEP1: Click the "Purchase" button
STEP2: Pick your favorite payment method within available ones (can change depending on product)
STEP3: Type your email and double check it is correct, then hit the right arrow
STEP4: For PayPal: just pay. For cryptocurrencies: note the exact currency amount to send and the address where it has to be sent, send funds and wait for transaction to reach enough confirmations (may be instant or take some time depending on network status).
Claiming your product
Your product will be delivered automatically by email, every product is linked to a 16 chars digital license key that has to be redeemed using our Redeem Serial page. Once redeemed, each license will grant you with ability to access all materials related to the product. Remember that many products have free extras included in the price, and you can find them in the section related to the product you purchased.
If you have problems, use the Contact page to ask for help via email. We answer all requests within 24h, but sometimes you may get an answer in less than 5 minutes. That's because at RogueMarket.org we do our best to provide excellent support service to our customers.
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